+31-647412290 rik@loyaltychiefs.com

ima europe market overview

On 28 September 2022 at the IMA Europe London Summit, Loyalty Chiefs presented the outcome of its research into the European market for Giftcards & Incentive Cards and Loyalty Programs.

The presentation was much appreciated by the audience. Afterwards many asked me to forge findings into a format they could store and share .

Rik Luttmer - IMA London-Summit

download report

“the European Market Overview for Gift cards & Incentive Cards and Loyalty Programs” has the following structure:
  • Hello and research methodology
  • Europe: single market perspective
    • Statistics: Euro vs USA comparison
    • Insights : European commonalities
  • Europe: regional market perspectief
    • Benelux: stats and remarkables
    • DACH: stats and remarkables
    • South & West: stats and remarkables
    • Nordics: stats and remarkables
    • UK (+ Ireland): stats and remarkables
    • East: stats and remarkables

Click here to download the report

IMA-London-Summit - Market Overview


The first edition of the european market review was very well received. The intention is therefore to do it again next year. Thanks for the compliments everyone. I really enjoyed doing it and I learned a lot from it myself as well.

IMA London Summit 2022 - Loyalty-Chiefs

Looking for more details on the report? Or maybe want decisive research done for your own brand?

Happy to hear from you.






